The 3 key marketing words for designing your creative craft website, blog or online shop

Clean, Clear, Un-cluttered.

Take a long hard look at your own website or blog. 

See it through your readers eyes. 

Where is your attention drawn? 

Is the point of your site obvious? 

Is it clear what you're trying to achieve with your site? 

Is it inspiring, emotive, interesting, engaging?  

Is it a good representation of you and your values?

Or does it confuse, clutter, baffle, frustrate, mystify, perturb your readers?

Ask a friend. Undertake a free user test with Peek. Get a professional critique. Just don't let your efforts be wasted.

#36 Ensure your website & blog is clean, clear & uncluttered. 
If it's not - change it. Your readers will thank you for it.