Monthly marketing masterclass & mentoring membership club

If you're a creative business selling beautiful, unique & exclusive products or services for your customers you'll already know how important it is to ensure customers feel special, valued and important to you. 

That's exactly what I'll do for you when you join the monthly marketing membership club. So what is it?
  • It's an exclusive membership only facebook group with a thriving, supportive, experienced online community of people with dreams & goals just like yours where you can share your successes, failures, new ideas or learning curves with others who understand & get you!
  • There's a dig deep and dirty low down on one hot marketing topic a month presented in a simple no nonsense demystified plain english format you can action immediately - no previous business or marketing knowledge required!
  • Plus a twice - monthly live hangout where I'll answer all your questions live 
  • You'll have access to me to pick my brain, bounce ideas, ask advice, get moral support & feedback from me whenever you feel the need
  • It's an opportunity for you to quit feeling isolated, become more focused & purposeful, feel more in control & heading in the right direction
  • You can also gain new fans, subscribers, connections, likers & sharers simply by joining 
The monthly marketing membership club will change the face of your business & what you'll learn in simply a few hours will take you 10 x as long to teach yourself through reading books & doing research, which btw is very laudable way to spend your life but seriously ... do you really have the time, focus and energy to DIY everything business wise? 

It's quite likely you'll see a return on your investment before long. And if you're not getting what you need, you can simply bid us farewell and that will be our loss 

 At just £9.99 a month automatically billed on the monthly anniversary of joining the club (you can unsubscribe whenever you want to) can you afford not to join?